Articles & Essays

A collection of my essays, reflections, and creative pieces. Topics span marketing insights, book reviews, music experiences, and original creative writing.

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May Day
Creative Writing Jeremiah Akin Creative Writing Jeremiah Akin

May Day

Saturday, May 10, 2014. The late afternoon sun filters through the leafy canopy outside my kitchen window and the brightness stings my tired eyes. I sit at the table, guitar in hand, staring at the frayed transition where the linoleum meets the carpet. …

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The Wharf
Creative Writing Jeremiah Akin Creative Writing Jeremiah Akin

The Wharf

The angles are at odds with the almost soft and childish way you look back at me, a mixture of shame and fear in your eyes that I'm not used to seeing so prominently expressed. You look cold, a discomfort evident in the set of your shoulders, the tightness around your eyes. Yet you refuse to wrap your arms …

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Creative Writing Jeremiah Akin Creative Writing Jeremiah Akin


We moved in with my mom’s lifelong friend when we got there. The house was in a field next to a small airport for crop dusters. The light on the tower would circle all night long and flash in through the balcony doors at the end of the upstairs hallway. Sometimes …

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